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How can I create a new website page with AI?
How can I create a new website page with AI?
1. Select 'Pages' from the left sidebar.
2. Tap the 'Add Pages' button, positioned at the top right corner.
3. You have the choice to create a new Main Page or General Page when creating a Website Page.
a. Main Pages: We offer various options for different use cases. All pages are created with AI in less than a minute.
b. General Pages: You can also create as many general pages as you want. These templates are AI-powered, and the AI can generate them for you in less than a minute.
4. After selecting your template, you'll need to answer the questions necessary for the AI to create your webpage. Select the language in which you want the content to be delivered, then click on Create.
Note: You can also create a blank page by selecting the 'Start from Scratch' option.
Note: If the template you're searching for is not available, you can request a new one. Please select 'Request New Template.'
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