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How can I set up my white label solution?

1. Click on 'White Label' from your dashboard's main page.

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2. Click on the 'Setup' button.

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In the White Label Setup modal, please provide your agency info. This will equip us with all the necessary information to customize your white label setup with your agency name and branding.

Agency Name:
Simply input your agency's name. It will be displayed in your page title, emails, and so forth.

White label setup domain:

This is the primary domain where your AI Website Builder will be hosted. It can be hosted on,, or any other subdomain you prefer.

White label domain for a live website:

It is the domain where your AI Website Builder will host the websites. It serves as a temporary address like * For instance, a client's website would appear as on this subdomain.

However, each site can still maintain its custom domain such as

White label email address:

We will utilize this white label email address to send emails to users who are onboarded to your AI Website builder. When a user signs up for your service, they will receive a welcome or verification email from your email address. It could be something like

White label logo:

Upload your agency's full-sized and square logos for white label use. They will be displayed on your dashboard for a customized user experience, presented on the login page, used as the favicon, and included in your emails.

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