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How can I add my Custom Domain?

1. From the left sidebar, select 'Domains'

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2. Click on the 'Add your domain' button in the middle of the page.

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3. Enter the domain you want to connect to your website.

Consider using a subdomain, such as, and redirecting your primary domain ( to this subdomain if necessary.

4. Click on the 'Submit' button and wait for the next step.

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5. You'll see several options for adding either or We recommend connecting your www subdomain and redirecting your root domain to your www subdomain.

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6. Visit the admin console of your domain registrar and create the DNS Record(s) as specified.

Notice that Your DNS records for this custom domain will expire in 72 hours! Please add DNS records with your domain provider before the DNS records expire. 

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7. Once you have added the DNS records, click the 'Connect your domain' button to connect your domain.

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8. Once everything is completed, you will notice that your domain status will change to 'Connected'.

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CNAME Flattening Required

If you connect your Root domain, you'll see a warning that you need CNAME Flattening.

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This means you need to read the guide and check if your provider supports CNAME Flattening. Don't worry, and there is also a solution at the end of the guide on what to do if your domain doesn't support CNAME Flattening:

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